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C-Organizer Professional 4.8.1 Full + Patch

Written By Dewi on Sunday, 26 May 2013 | 17:41

C-Organizer Professional 4.8.1 Full + Patch
Size 24.16 MB

C-Organizer Professional 4.8.1 Full + Patch is a beautiful and powerful personal information manager. The program can help you organize and plan your business and personal life. In short, this is a Planner, Address Book, Password and Bookmark manager, Notebook, and a Calendar of Events combined into one powerful, easy-to-use. application. All data can be shared in real-time on a network. C-Organizer Professional 4.8.1 Full + Patch - You and your assistant can be in using your calendar at the same time...!
C-Organizer Professional 4.8.1 Full + Patch - Moreover, you can synchronize your C-Organizer Appointments, Tasks, Contacts and Notes with your Pocket PC or Palm devices!
Program’s exquisite, well thought-out interface makes using this application an easy, even gratifying process. C-Organizer supports various interface types and color chemes.
A built-in planner allows users to create a list of daily chores and appointments, which significantly eases tracking daily tasks and distributing workload evenly. Besides that, there are “global” To-Do lists, which extend their span over one day. You can create any number of such lists and group records together, if you want to simplify things.
Program’s flexible repeating event settings make planning recurring tasks a snap. C-Organizer’s built-in notification system will remind you about upcoming deadlines, holidays, birthdays and other important dates. The program can be easily configured to alert a user with a special reminder displayed on computer’s monitor or by sending an e-mail.
In addition, data stored with C-Organizer can be protected by a password and encrypted to prevent unauthorized access to personal information.
Program’s Address Book comes with an option to store the attached photographs and features easily configurable database structure. You can add a new parameter (field) to the database structure on your own. For your convenience, we’ve added an option to save various database structures as templates for the further use.
Importantly, C-Organizer notes support rich text formatting, images, tables, hyperlinks to the Internet or local files, as well as any records in the database. Use C-Organizer notes to create MS Word-like documents.
C-Organizer supports the print templates feature, all reports can be printed using pre-installed print templates that come with C-Organizer. The templates can also be created and edited with a BUILT-IN TEMPLATE EDITOR. Now you can create any template to meet any of your needs. In addition, the new version allows EDITING reports before printing, and saving it as RTF or HTML file.
Moreover, C-Organizer has a flexible sorting system, as well as record import and export options, automatic integration with the default e-mail client and web browser installed on your computer.
The program can be launched automatically upon Windows startup and minimized to the system tray (near the system clock). Program’s icon displays current date.

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