Zoom Player Pro 8.6.1
Size 11 MB
Zoom Player Pro 8.6.1 is a robust and very easy to use Media and DVD Front-End Player. Zoom Player Pro 8.6.1 was designed to be simple at first glance while being remarkably dynamic and flexible when used to its full potential. Zoom Player Pro 8.6.1 works in two modes.
Zoom Player Pro 8.6.1 - A Media mode which can play any file supported by DirectShow (any file which plays in MediaPlayer) and a DVD mode which uses pre-installed DirectShow DVD filters to play DVD content. It supersedes media player in all, is functions and provides several important functions that media player lacks.
Zoom Player Pro 8.6.1 provides special zooming functions to improve TV-Output quality by eliminating overscan.
Here are some key features of “Zoom Player”:
Here are some key features of “Zoom Player”:
- Blu-Ray Decrypted Main-Movie Playback (with subtitles).
- Create Mobile-Phone RingTones from playing media.
- GuardDog (Auto-Restart if the player locks up).
- Scene-Cut Interface (Dynamic, Virtual Audio/Video editing).
- Video Wall (Span Videos across multiple monitors using the EVR Renderer).
- Non-Linear 16:9/4:3 video scaling using EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer).
- Support for Local Configuration file (easily run different configurations/instances on the same PC).
- Video Orbiting (Prevents screen-burns).
- Auto-Execute external programs Running/Closing the player.
- Extended Command Lines “/x”, “/y”, “/w”, “/h”, “/nCols”, “/nRows”, “/Col”, “/Row”, “/browse”.
- Extended Command Lines “/func”, “/exfunc”, “/config”, “/multinst”, “/seek”, “/datapath”, “/winname”.
- HTML Interactivity.
- Flash Interactivity.
- QuickTime Interactivity.
- Copy current play position to the clipboard.
- Advanced Smart Play controls (Create your own Smart Play profiles, select & configure filters, etc).
- Media Center navigation Safe Mode (hide dangerous functions from inexperienced users).
- Audio Re-Synchronization Adjustments.
- Communication & Control API (TCP/IP, WinAPI’s SendMessage or COM), supported by many 3rd party applications.
- Windows Media (WMV/WMA) DRM Support.
- Playlist Power Manager (enhanced search/playlist manipulation).
- Control Zoom Player through a Web Interface (web remote).
- Password protected options dialog, preventing other people using the computer from modifying your configuration.
- Blank Secondary Monitors (when switching to fullscreen or by calling a function).
- Automatic Audio/Subtitle media file stream selection.
- Lock the On Screen Display to a region of the screen.
- Auto-Execute external programs when a PAL/NTSC DVD disc is detected (prior to playing) and when the DVD playback is stopped.
- Map network paths into the File Browsing Media Center navigation interface.
- DVD Password Protected Parental Control.
- DVD Trailers interface allowing you to play trailers prior to starting the movie.
- Automatic Aspect Ratio, Video Size and Blanking depending on the DVD type (Fullscreen, Letterbox or Anamorphic).
- Reload & Replay media files as they are being saved.
- Closed Captions Support in Media Files.
- Pattern Calibration System with White Wash Anti Burn-in mode.
- Enhanced Screen Saver controls (Computer generated backgrounds, image slideshows and power saving modes).
- Integrated eMule/uTorrent File Tracker (shows download progress within the Fullscreen Media Center navigation interfaces).
- Extended Command Lines “/lockfs”, “/tcp”.
- Create Contact Sheet (Image indexes).
- OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7.
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